Sunday, October 6, 2019

Imaginative Arts - October 2019 - ADVERTISING


•Revisit the Henry B Eyring talk Child of God that we didn't talk about at Vision Day. If you want to watch or listen first, that’s great. But then read it anyway. Make some notes.

•Watch Sell and Spin A History of Advertising

Read How to Seduce a Sasquatch.  Start with what seems like the back of the book.  (It has the barcode on it.) It's the Field Guide portion of the book. Right after page 63 the type will turn upside down and you'll suddenly be on the last page of the other side of the book.


Henry B Eyring- Child of God   Ask questions of yourself:
   •“What do I need to do to become a great learner?” 
   •“How can I be a better student?” 
   •“What do I need to learn from this talk?”, etc.  
Come prepared to discuss and share some insight you gained from President Eyring’s talk.

 Sell and Spin A History of Advertising

    • This video has a few glitches where the screen goes blank or muffled but it returns to normal eventually, it is not a problem with your computer or tv.
    • Warning- There are some naked backsides in this program. If you wish to skip them it starts at 1:06:42 and goes until 1:06:58 (16 seconds) - They are discussing research and how to find what works to get the consumer to react. "What turns them on? What turns them off? Why do they do the things they do? What values do they aspire to?" They use people being poked with pencils to help illustrate this point. 
    • Find an example of advertising to share with the rest of us. Come ready to discuss why it works or why it doesn't. Eg.- The Animal I needed the animal. It was awesome. I begged my parents nonstop. When i finally got one... it stunk. 
    • It should be either an example of good advertising that really works, whether you know why or not-- or something that just doesn't work or confuses you (you aren't sure what they are selling...). It can be a print ad or a tv commercial. Bring it with you or if it's a tv commercial please send me a link so we can watch it in class.  MY EMAIL : jaydfontano (at) gmaildotcom

While reading How to Seduce a Sasquatch write some thoughts in your common place book. If it's confusing write about that. Remember it is a metaphor for creativity. Come prepared to discuss. Start exploring some of your creativity. Pages 60-63 have some suggestions of places and activities that will help you to "Find more Sasquatches." Try some out. Record your experiences in your common place book. 


What thoughts did you have about great learners from Elder Eyring's talk? How can you apply those principles to your own learning this week?

Be aware of advertising all around you. What are they selling you? Does it work? Keep a list of what is working on you? Do you want a purple mattress just because Mallory told you to get one?


Watch- Disney/Pixar's A Bug's Life.

Watch- Create by Elder Uchtdorf.

Create your name as a work of art. Use any medium except for the computer. (Markers, crayons, paint, collage, kidnapper ransom note, pencils, wood, legos, etc. ) Be unique, and different. Bring it to display in class.


A Bug's Life.  Pay special attention to Flik's experiences. While watching, use your Common Place Book,  write down the things Flik does that break out of "normal" thinking. What criticisms does he get and from whom on his journey? Be specific. What are some unique ideas you have had? Why do you think we sometimes keep ideas to ourselves? Or don't follow through with them?

Create by Elder Uchtdorf. Write your thoughts about things that interest you in terms of creativity. What can you create?


Be extra nice to someone who has different thoughts or ideas this week.  Tell them their ideas are good. Lift and build them. Record your experiences.


Watch- Coca-Cola History Documentary


Research a product look at the history of that products advertising. Come prepared to discuss your product- bring examples of ads (print and/or video(send youtube links if you want to watch something in class) Come prepared to share 4-5 examples.

Be aware of advertising all around you. What are they selling you? Does it work? Keep a list of what is working on you? Do you want a purple mattress just because Mallory told you to get one?

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