Wednesday, December 26, 2018

January Imaginative Arts

January Imaginative Arts

Culture from 1860-1940


1.  Go sign up HERE for your Culture assignment.  If you'll remember, we talked about this last time we met.  Some of you signed up already.  Others of you need to go sign up, or go check what you signed up for.  You or your group will present on your topic for approximately 5-10 minutes each.  The instructions are on the google doc for the segment that you sign up for.  We will be having a Vanguard Dance soon!  I'm excited to learn some of these dances!

2.  Make sure you have finished reading the Apprentice book of the month is "A Distant Prayer" by Jerry Borrowman.

3.  Define these terms and write an example of each term:  
homonym (homograph)(homophone) What's the difference?
synonym (ie.. words that have similar meaning, pretty/beautiful)

4.  Make sure you have contacted your movie groups!  Be prepared to start filming!  You only have 2 class times left!  Maybe 3, and then we will have our movie premiere night with our families.


1. I LOVE wordplay!  It's fun to know what the difference is between all these parts of speech!  We are going to play a little game with the homophones, make sure you know what those are!  Make a list of all the homophones you can think of.  Our game will be kind of like boggle, when we get to class we will read off what we have, and if someone else has the same set, you have to cross yours out.  Whoever has the most uncrossed out homophones wins!  Your list should be as long as possible.  This is the writing assignment!  You don't have to turn it into your mentors! (I have a really long list, over 100)  Try to beat me!

2. Memorize either the Scripture, the quote, or both:

“Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.” 
Mosiah 23:10


"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... 
You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may 
be the best thing in the world for you." 

---Walt Disney

3.  Penmanship:  Go read  this article on Penmanship. Write in your best handwriting (maybe even cursive), on a piece of nice looking paper, the scripture and quote above or a scripture and quote that you love.  Think about how you could improve your handwriting from last time.  Bring your paper to class to hang above your name.  What did you think of the article?


Did you light the world during the holidays?  How can you honor Jesus Christ throughout the year and continue lighting the world?  Make a list of things you can do daily, weekly, or monthly to light the world.  Start doing those things!  Lets make a world that is light with giving and serving.


Journal about how the scripture above could be applied to you in your life right now.

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