Thursday, February 15, 2018

February IA



The History of Ballet

Click here to get a brief history of ballet.

And watch this TED video here to see how ballet evolved.

Here's a couple of ballets you can watch, I'm sure you can find more if you're not interested in these:

Swan Lake
The Nutcracker

Write a summary of the history of ballet in you CPB.
Obviously ballet was a lot different back in the 17-1800's compared to what it is now.  It makes you wonder how it'll change in the future.

The history of other styles of dance all root back to ballet and the elites elaborate parties.  Ballroom dance came from the social side of dancing, and modern styles of dancing came from branching off of ballet.  Since ballet was so strict in it's movements, contemporary dance broke those rules.  Modern dance today now takes on more of a story or message that they want to convey.

Look here for a good example of modern contemporary.
Here's another fun one.

Add these to your CPB or make notecards:

Scala, La
Vivaldi, Antonio
Water Music


Listen to Beethoven while you read about him.

Read "The Spiritual Lives of the Great Composers" under the chapter Beethoven.
Here's another take on his life here.

Write in your CPB a brief history of Beethoven, and Mozart.  (I forgot to have you do Mozart's last month, oops!) Remember to glue their pictures into your summaries of them.

I'm amazed that he was still writing music even though he couldn't hear it!

Another thing that I thought was interesting was that these composers were alive around the same time Napoleon was alive!  I had never connected that before.


Answer these questions in your CPB:
What do you think about dance?  Do you think it could be a vehicle for good?  Like music, do you think that it can bring us closer to God?
Obviously music and dance go hand in hand.  Do you think that dance along with the music can be even more moving than without it? We'll discuss these things in class.


Keep listening to the composers we've been studying!  And make sure you sing your hymns in church.

Also keep vigilant on what you watch, read, and listen to.  Music, dance, and reading all can be beautiful things when used the way Heavenly Father wants us to use them. But Satan has easily made these things for great evil. 



This month we're studying artist Rembrandt.

Click here for a brief history of him.

Take a look at his history here and write a summary of his life in your CPB.  Add at least 3 facts about him, and make sure to glue of picture of him in also. 

Define these words:

The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci


Do you notice the depth and shadows he has in his paintings? 
Some of his portraits are amazing! 

This picture to left is really realistic!  It almost looks like a photo.  Back in the 1600's that would've been absolutely amazing.

It's interesting that he was born into a rich family but died poor?  I keep noticing the artist/musicians that we're studying aren't good with money.  Do you think there is a connection to that?

I LOVE this one to the right.  I want to hang that in my house.  It's called "The Storm on the Sea of Galilee"

If you want to see these paintings better click here and click on the paintings and they will be bigger.


Now we're going to continue to sketch.  Keep drawing your eyes, nose, and mouth. 

Here's another way to draw an eye here
Nose here
Mouth here
Hair here

There're a ton of videos on art, so if these don't seem to be your style; with your parent, take a look at more videos on youtube.

Now come to class with a portrait, or with parts of a face i.e eyes, nose, mouth, hair!  Those of you that are artists we want to see your portrait art!  Come prepared to hang up what you've drawn!

Also if you do decide to do a portrait, make sure to use a photo of someone or yourself.  It's helps a ton, instead of just making a random picture out of your head.


Jane Austen


This week read any Jane Austen book that you'd like.

Take a look at her biography here.  Write a summary of her life in your CPB, and make sure to glue her picture in with it. 


I feel so bad that she couldn't get married because of social ideals!  Whenever I read books about that day and age I can't help feeling bad that marriage wasn't meant the same as it is today.  People marry for love a lot more nowadays than they ever did back then!  

Why do you think she never married again?  


Bring a treat, and come prepared to discuss!


(Another note; next month we're reading "The Count of Monte Cristo"  It's a big book so start reading/listening now! )

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