Monday, August 31, 2015




Read Pages 4-23 of "Put a Cherry on Top"

Do "A" & "B"

A) Do 2 of the following:
      1- Lay down on your back and watch the clouds blow across the sky for 20 minutes
      2- Lay out on the lawn at night and look up at the stars for 20 minutes
      3- On a good day fly a kite and keep it up for 20 minutes
      4- Go to a lake and skip or learn how to skip rocks for 20 minutes(throw a good 25)

B) "Life is short, break rules(not standards), forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Create a Playgym/Treehouse from your mind and experiences. Then make it out of mixed items and crafts (popsicle sticks, sand, fake grass, material, wood pieces, straws, pipes, etc.) Use ideas that exist or ones that have not yet been invented. Create and build it and put it on a board to bring into class. Lets see where your mind, imagination and craft techniques take you. Display table will be at class for you.

Choose 1 of the following:

A) Journal one page on your experience with Inspirement "A" (Clouds, Stars, Kite, Rock Skip)

B) Journal one page on the process you took of making your play area. Explain where you started, where your mind went, inspiration you received when you allowed your mind to take away boundaries.

A) Study and observe the world in which you live. Write down 5 things you see that someone has made or created art into (doorknob, a wall, architecture, painting or mural on wall or ground, etc.)

Choose "A" or "B"

A) Make a poster on 11x17 that says "Brian the Dingledody". Replace my name with your own. Be creative with sizing, font, color and design. Bring to class to display.

B) Write a poem about dingledodies. Bring to class. Make it presentable so we can hang it on the wall.

Write "DINGLEDODY" in the center of a journal page. Underneath or all around it write an assortment of 20 people you have read about, seen, or who are dingledodies. 


Look up the map of Disneyland on the internet. Find your favorite ride and write it in your journal. Write why it is your favorite and the emotion you get when riding it. If you have never been to Disneyland write your favorite ride you have been on from Lagoon, any amusement park or a carnival.
Bring to class 3 of your favorite candy bars (don't let them melt)

Write in your journal why being unique is your strength.

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