Tuesday, October 14, 2014

• Become aware of the different mediums and ways to express the visual arts(Paintings, drawings, Sculpture, etc.)
• Establish a basic understanding of the History of Art
• Why we create art


• Read Chapters 6-9 of Orbiting the Giant Hairball

Know and Understand:

Okay creative and unique individuals, this may sound difficult but I would like you to really take some time out and really find out some good information to share with the class about the different periods of art. Below are assignments for each individual. Remember that what you share may be the only time some of you will hear of the different periods so make it interesting, unique or creative. Feel free to use a lot of images. I will have digital media available to allow you to share it but posters or print outs work just as well. Let me know if you need anything specific for your time. Keep it under 6-7 minutes. I will have a time line of the history of art so we all know where we're at as we go. Start with basic information: what period is it, when did it occur, where was it most prominent why was it called what it was, the characteristics of the style, and the major artists, etc. Also show examples of paintings in your style. There is a lot out there so narrow it down to, keep it simple but really know what it is you are sharing with us. Here is the list:

Caleb-Abstract Expressionism
Jaisha-Neo Expressionism
Patty-Post Modernism



• Bring to class a great quote about why we (as human beings) create art and be ready to discuss it. It can be from a movie, a great artist or a philosopher. Copy the quote onto 20 3"x5" cards so you can give one to everyone in the class.

Know and Understand/Become and Serve:

• Now we get crazy. Create your own piece of art. Create a work of art that expresses a big idea. (Examples: Love, Frustration, Sorrow, Faith, Happiness, Peace, Regret, Forgiveness, Loss, Victory, etc.) Take the idea and figure out a way to communicate it visually (through painting, sketching, or sculpture) to someone who is looking at it. It can be in whatever style you choose to share it in. It is yours, you own it. Spend at least 2 hours creating it. Push yourself outside of your container, try a new medium, mixed medium, experiment if needed. I am curious to see what comes out of you when given the freedom.


• Watch the movie "The Monuments Men" (2014)
• After watching the movie, journal in your notebooks for 20 minutes about:
                – What art means to a society.
                – Does it have the same importance today?

Know and Understand/Become and Serve:

For the second half of the day we will saddle up and head to Springville Museum of Art to continue discussions and activities at the museum. Please make any arrangements if needed. We will back at 3:30pm.

You guys rock!!



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